Let Green Leaf Tree Service remove any tree on your property. Large trees, tight spaces — whatever your needs!
Trees in neighborhoods like yours are often surrounded by other valuable plantings or structures. Tree removals often require careful dismantling by highly trained personnel utilizing state-of-the-art machinery to ensure safety and the protection of your home.
The use of specialized equipment during tree removal services is determined by the conditions on your landscape, branch architecture, and the soundness of your tree. A standard tree removal includes taking down a tree, chipping all brush, cutting all wood into 20″ logs, and cutting the stumps as flush as possible to the ground.
Wood will be stacked at or near the base of the tree. Stump routing and wood disposal services are offered at an additional charge.
Trees in danger of failure are obvious candidates for removal.
The information below describes some of the circumstances that can lead to tree failure. A sound tree becomes potentially dangerous when the tree’s woody structure is weakened by one or more defects. During storms, pre-existing defects predispose trees to failure. Defects are detectable signs that a tree has an increased potential to fail.
One of the major warning signs of tree failure is a visible crack.
Cracks form when the load exceeds the capacity of the stem to withstand the load. Cracks can occur in branches, stems or roots. The wood behind the crack may be sound, decayed, or missing (cavity).
Several types of cracks can be found in trees. Cracks are hazardous when they compromise the structure of the tree by splitting the stem in two or when another defect, such as internal decay and a crack do not provide enough sound wood in the outer shell to support the tree.
The presence of multiple cracks and decay indicates a very defective tree. Homeowners and property managers are advised that tree failure is a major cause of property damage. Rain or high wind can cause a cracked tree to fall under its own weight.
Homeowners worried about trees falling and damaging property should call Green Leaf Tree Service for an inspection.